Updates, What I'm doing, How it's going.

What isn't said

-Next page is coming up September 11th! Hoping to get back on the every two week posting.

-Might change around the site!

The site

- Hoping to update the site to be more mobile friendly, I know some links aren't.

- Trying to get the Ocs page up and running.

How it's going

- Tired!

- Work, moving furniture, and life has made it not possible for me to not stress about getting a comic page out every two weeks, thus the hiatus. I do not plan to drop my comic, even if I have to make it once every month. However, my health and being able to afford living will always come first. Right now anything on a schedule I can't do as I have more pressing matters, which is why I am going to improve things that don't have a time limit and slowly work on the comic in the background. Once I can settle everything I'm hoping to get back on putting out the main comic every two weeks as well as keeping up with drawing and the site.